2017 Bee Awareness Month at Awanui Primary School

Today (as part of Bee Awareness Month) we had the pleasure to visit our local Awanui school. We sat with the children and discussed why our honeybees are so important. We gifted them a bee hive to paint and explained each part. We discussed the different bees and their jobs, we talked bout honey production, pollination and the importance of beekeeping.
All of the children were so attentive and had some wonderful questions for us to answer.
We look forward to the upcoming art expo we are running with the school - stay tuned to see what we have in the pipeline.

A not so fun fact from today: Bees can no longer survive in wild colonies here in NZ.
Due to disease such as the varroa mite, bees need human intervention to be able to live and continue making honey and pollinating our flora.